

Fishing - Graham Lakes

Posted by Dutchman Saturday, September 26, 2009

Loaded up the Wenonah Escape and went fishing at Graham Lakes over at Bald Mountain North. There was no wind, overcast skies, and temps in the mid 50s. Not a bad morning. But, what I noticed, once I paid attention, was that over the foreground sound of argueing Blue Jays and chattering chickadees, was the distant sound of traffic. In our area, you can't escape it. You have to go pretty far to escape that sound of large trucks and heavy traffic on major roads.

Caught no fish, but enjoyed a morning paddle with my son, Tyler.


  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. What state?

  3. Dutchman Says:
  4. State of bliss.


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I'm a middle aged divorced father living with my two sons. We like to canoe, bicycle, fish, camp, play baseball, and spend money when we want and where we want, without permission from anybody. HA!


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