

Growing Up

Posted by Dutchman Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I've been single parenting for seven years now. That means Zach and Tyler were 7 and 5 years old when their mother left. Your world revolves around them when they are that age. But now they are both in their teens, and they are on that inevitable quest for independence.

Back in the spring, Tyler and one of his friends came up to ask "Can we go to the movie?".

"Of course" I replied. "I wouldn't mind seeing that".

Tyler and his friend exchanged troubled glances. "Uh well..." he stuttered. His friend added "well it's just not cool to go to the theater with a parent".

Ok, I get it. I had to drive them to the movie and then pick them up afterwards.

Then last night, Tyler got me again. He and I were attending the "Eigth Grade Camp" informational meeting at his school. They announced that parents wanting to chaperone should fill out a form, so I asked Tyler if he wanted me to attend. He looked at me with one of those "are you kidding me" looks and simply said "no offense, but ..."

All those early years, you would like to have had an hour or two to yourself. Now, you discover that "time to yourself" is something to which you will have to become accustomed.



  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. His knuckles don't appear to be locked?

  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. Yes, and he isn't in the batters box either.


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I'm a middle aged divorced father living with my two sons. We like to canoe, bicycle, fish, camp, play baseball, and spend money when we want and where we want, without permission from anybody. HA!


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