Rear Rack and Tape

My rear rack is a Topeak Super Tourist Disk. I arrived at this choice because the Super Tourist has bars on which to mount panniers that are lower than the rack top. This will put the weight a little lower, but more importantly, will reduce interference with whatever bag or trunk bag I put on top of the rack. It appears that you can't yet find the "diskless" version in the United States. However, the added inch of offset because of the clearance for disk brakes means that the panniers will be just a little farther from the spinning wheels at the cost of a lighter, wider load (2 inches) with associated wind resistance. They also left me a little more clearance for fender supports.

The steal bars that are used to attach the top of the rack to the seat stays were silver. Also, because of the angle they needed to achieve to attach to the seat stay braze-ons, they would have crossed each other where they attach at the rack. I used a hack saw to cut them off to avoid this and then painted them black with a "rattle can".
My last step before project completion, was to wrap the handlebars. I use standard Fizik tape in black.