

Typical Weekend

Posted by Dutchman Monday, December 7, 2009

Most weekends when you have teenagers are similar. The parent becomes a taxi driver. Friday started with a trip north of town to pick up one of Tyler's friends, then back to the high school for 2 1/2 hours of open swimming. Then I had to pick them up and transport them to Collier Lanes for "Cosmic" bowling (black lights only). After that, back north of town to drop the friend off.

We were up at 5:45 a.m on Saturday to get ready for band competition in North Branch. Tyler was playing in a brass quintet. It took 8 minutes to play and be critiqued. It took 2 hours to drive up and back.

Next was the movie "Brothers", which was playing at the mall south of town. I couldn't figure out if the movie was about brothers, or was about the effects war has on people. I guess it was both. Tyler fell asleep part way through the movie.

Later in the evening, it was out for takeout food. Of course, we had to go to two different places, Chinese for Tyler and I, and McDonalds for Zach. I'm not sure that Zach really dislikes Chinese, but whatever food one wants the other doesn't. I guess they didn't learn much from the movie.

On Sunday, we headed to Tyler's baseball practice. His team has indoor batting practices every other week. When we arrived, there was a sign taped to the door "Absolutely no parents allowed in the facility during lessons. Please pick your player up after practice." The coaches need to be able to coach and the players need to grow up. The sign is a result of too many "helicopter" parents hovering around the practice.

Sunday evening, we attended a basketball game at the Palace. The Pistons were playing the Wizards. They put on a good pre-game show, with cheerleaders, Rap music, explosions, and 30 foot high flames. After that, they flipped a coin and decided it was the Pistons turn to win.

Back at home, the last load of laundry had to be cycled through the dryer. Then we start the whole process over.


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I'm a middle aged divorced father living with my two sons. We like to canoe, bicycle, fish, camp, play baseball, and spend money when we want and where we want, without permission from anybody. HA!


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