Tyler's best game of last weekend was the second one, Saturday afternoon. He went 3 for 3, with 2 doubles and a single, and an RBI. In the 4th inning, with the opposing team making a rally attempt, he was playing at shortstop. There were runners on 1st and 2nd bases with no outs. The batter slammed a line drive seemingly over Tyler's head, so both runners took off. However, Tyler managed to leap high enough to catch the ball, putting the batter out. When he hit the ground, he threw over to 2nd for a second out, followed by the second baseman's throw to first, for the third out. Triple Play!
His team won the two Saturday games, 14-2 and 8-6. On Sunday, it rained. Actually it poured, but just during the 3rd inning when Tyler was pitching. The ball was wet and slippery, and he couldn't keep the water from running from his hat down over his eyes. When it was the other team's turn to pitch, the rain stopped, the grounds crew raked and cleaned up home plate and the pitcher's mound, and they had no problems. That game was lost 9-4.
All in all, his team did well. Now they have 2 weeks to get ready for the next tournament and the opening of the regular season.
Each year there are certain days that we anticipate. Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, Super Bowl Sunday, last day of school, first day of vacation. And for us, we anticipate the first game of Tyler's baseball season.
Tyler's team was formed back in September. They have been practicing indoors all winter. Outdoor practices started a few weeks back. Tomorrow is the first game of their season. Actually, the weather forecast is for rain, but barring that, they will be playing at 8:30a.m. in their first weekend tournament.
Like the other player's, Tyler is anxious. So are the parents. There is lots of talk about who will play what position, and what the batting lineup will be. Everyone wonders if the team will be good or bad. Tomorrow those questions start to get answered.
So, what's the big deal anyway? It's just a kid's game. Lots of people belittle parents for "reliving their youth through their children". Maybe some do. But for me, it's not really that. It is more about the shared experience with a child you have loved, reared, and helped to grow up to be what you think is a good person with character. That they might have a talent is a bonus. It is about empathy, the capability to share another being's emotions and feelings. It is a rare opportunity for our thoughts to go outside of ourselves. You are elated when they perform well. You feel their pain when they make mistakes or fail. You can read their thoughts in their expressions and body language. You feel pride when they react maturely to adversity. When the team wins there is joy, when they lose, you feel their frustration.
Tyler won't sleep well tonight. That is alright. He will live his dreams tomorrow. It is just kids playing a game. But, it is important. In the baseball movie "Field of Dreams", Doc "Moonlight" Graham said "You know we just don't recognize the most significant moments of our lives while they're happening. Back then I thought, well, there'll be other days. I didn't realize that that was the only day."
That quote has meaning for the kids. And, it has meaning for their parents.
Before you come out to visit us based on the address listed in the April 1st article, you might want to take notice of the day on which that article was posted.
The weather has been pretty warm for late March and early April. Tyler has been at outside baseball practices for about 3 weeks. His team will have a scrimmage game next Saturday.
Well, the day has finally arrived. Zach, Tyler, and I have spent most of the week boxing up all or belongings, and we are ready for the move.
I've always wanted to live in an A-Frame chalet, and now we have one. It's on Lakeville Lake, just east of Oxford, and sits on a hill on the west side of the lake. It doesn't have a garage, but there is plenty of space in the walk out cellar, for canoe and bicycle storage. I'm going to run a cat-5 cable under ground down the the boat dock, where I'll attach a wireless router. That way we can sit on the dock and fish, while still working online with a laptop. Below are a couple pics of the outside and inside.
New address is 700 Gravel Ridge Rd, Leonard, MI.