Tyler's best game of last weekend was the second one, Saturday afternoon. He went 3 for 3, with 2 doubles and a single, and an RBI. In the 4th inning, with the opposing team making a rally attempt, he was playing at shortstop. There were runners on 1st and 2nd bases with no outs. The batter slammed a line drive seemingly over Tyler's head, so both runners took off. However, Tyler managed to leap high enough to catch the ball, putting the batter out. When he hit the ground, he threw over to 2nd for a second out, followed by the second baseman's throw to first, for the third out. Triple Play!
His team won the two Saturday games, 14-2 and 8-6. On Sunday, it rained. Actually it poured, but just during the 3rd inning when Tyler was pitching. The ball was wet and slippery, and he couldn't keep the water from running from his hat down over his eyes. When it was the other team's turn to pitch, the rain stopped, the grounds crew raked and cleaned up home plate and the pitcher's mound, and they had no problems. That game was lost 9-4.
All in all, his team did well. Now they have 2 weeks to get ready for the next tournament and the opening of the regular season.